Baxters in Paradise

Friday, November 6, 2009

The mighty hunter

Does the picture say it all? (Some credit does go to Dad for finding the bolt for his rifle. Additional credit to Luke who sighted the rifle and made sure it would actually shoot in the direction that Hayden was pointing it.)

The pianist

Bryson started piano lessons this fall. To say that he has "taken to it" is an understatement. He really loves it. When he is bored, he will go learn new songs on his own. He has even started making up his own songs. Here is a brief sampling.

Dorothy's Halloween continued

Before Halloween was finished, Dorothy met some very nice people in the land of Oz. There was a kind Indian Princess at Dorothy's school. Dorothy even met a "Flapper" at the office.

Before it was all said and done, Dorothy and Toto even put on a program for her parents at school. (Turn volume "way up" or you wont be able to hear anything.)

Dorothy's Halloween

Dorothy and Toto had many adventures this Halloween. She met several scary characters during her wanderings. Gang-bangers, Neon Stick men, and the evil Emperor from Start Wars. But she made it through the Halloween World of Oz in one piece.

More Pumpkin Fun

We've come a long way from having just a single, simple pumpkin sitting on the front doorstep. Now, we need a whole field of pumpkins to take care of the family. Can you tell which one is R2D2?

Pumpkin guts

The whole family had lots of fun carving pumpkins. There are knives, saws, and guts flying everywhere.

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